

Local community organisations are invited to submit funding applications to the Phillip Island RSL Community Grants Program.


Local community organisations are invited to submit funding applications to the Phillip Island RSL Community Grants Program.

Application Open – Wednesday 3rd April 2024 


  • Local community organisations or clubs endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office for both Charity Tax Concession and Deductible Gift Recipient status
  • Applicants must reside or be an official representative from a local organisation from Phillip Island/San Remo only

Phillip Island RSL Grants will not fund:

  • Charities where funds are used “off Phillip Island/San Remo”
  • Clinical research projects
  • Endowment funds
  • Retrospective funding
  • Recurrent expenditure where there is no plan in place for long term sustainability of the project or program
  • Auspicing – you must be a representative of the organisation requesting funds

COMMUNITY Grants Policy

The Phillip Island RSL Sub-Branch is committed to the objectives and purposes of the Returned Services League. Such objectives include the care and assistance of veterans and their families, and involvement and commitment to the members of the local community as outlined in the Phillip Island RSL Welfare & Charitable Business Plan.


To be the pinnacle benchmark for all Victorian RSL’s both commercially and in our contribution to the community.


To support the wellbeing of our members through the provision of welfare and commemorative services while continuing to enhance our image and value to the community.


This policy compliments, yet is separate, to the Phillip Island RSL Welfare & Charitable Business Plan and allows for further contributions to be made and/or new projects to be considered based on the following criteria and guidelines.

Policy aim

To provide a basis for the assessment of requests received for financial assistance from local* not for profit organisations.

Policy objectives

To provide an equitable process for dealing with applications for financial assistance.

Community Grant criteria

Supporting Not for Profit organisations with minor equipment and/or resources; or fundraising activities as a one off and within a 12 month period that will make a positive contribution to the Phillip Island/San Remo communities – by encouraging and promoting social inclusiveness and community connectedness.

  • Applications opens 3rd April 2024, closes 8th May 2024
  • Community grant is a one-off payment for a organization that will improve their day to day running
  • Community grants are not on going as they are sponsorship packages
  • Funding provided on invoice by June 12th 2024

The Phillip Island RSL can only approve grants to incorporated local community organisations and clubs or clubs or organisations endorsed by the ATO for both Charity Tax Concession and Deductible Gift Recipient status.


The applicant must reside or be an official representative from a local organisation on *Phillip Island/San Remo

PHILLIP ISLAND RSL community Grants will not fund
  1. Charities where funds are used “off Phillip Island/San Remo”
  2. Clinical research projects
  3. Endowment funds
  4. Retrospective funding
  5. Recurrent expenditure where there is no plan in place for the long term sustainability of the project or program
  6. Auspicing – the organisation applying must be the organisation undertaking the project or program

The following procedure shall apply:

  1. To be considered for funding, applicants must complete the applicable Phillip Island RSL Community Grants Application form available from or from the Phillip Island RSL Administration office
  2. AS part of the funding reporting process, applicants must agree to provide the Phillip Island RSL with an Acquittal Report, available from the Community Grants section at once funds are expended.
  3. If funds are available, the applicant may generally receive up to $5,000 or another amount deemed appropriate by the Phillip Island RSL.
  4. All grant applications are subject to available Community Grant funds in any one financial year.
Cancellation of Grant

Grant funds will be withdrawn under the following circumstances:

  • If the activity is cancelled for any reason
  • False information is provided by a grant recipient/organisation
  • Negative publicity for Phillip Island RSL

Applications to be addressed to:

The Secretary
Phillip Island RSL
PO Box 503, Cowes, 3922



PHILLIP ISLAND RSL guidelines for funding

All grant applications must complete the Phillip Island RSL Community Grant Application Form

The Proposal must include:

  • Project title
  • Aims and objectives of the project
  • The need for the project and how this need was identified
  • Why your organisation is best placed to address this need
  • A description of the activities to be undertaken with the grant
  • Who will benefit and how
  • A time line including key dates
  • A statement of expected outcomes both immediate and into the longer term
  • Evaluation procedures
  • Budget details for the project
  • Letters of support for the project from other individuals or organisations
  • Details of any partnerships or alliances with other groups involved with this project
  • Details of other funding sources who you have applied to for this project
  • Details of previous grants received from the Phillip Island RSL
  • A letter of reference
  • Applicants who receive funding must provide accountability and evidence on how the funds were utilised (eg. photos, letters) by submitting the Acquittal Form within one month after the program/project has ceased or completed
  • Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
  • Copy of Public Liability Insurance (for events not held on Phillip Island RSL property)
  • Copy of Deductible Gift Recipient Certificate
  • Copy of Taxation Charity Concession Certificate
  • Copy of your latest Annual Report
  • Copy of your latest Financial Statement
  • Letters of support from organisations you have worked with in the past (Please do not provide testimonials)